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Forge a better connection

Add best-in-cloud technologies from Avaya Experience Platform onto your Avaya Call Center Elite.

Man and woman on their laptops inside a coffee shop

Connect with customers across all touchpoints.

Add digital channels to your Avaya Call Center Elite so customers can contact you however they choose without disrupting your existing operations.

  • Freedom of choice for your customers by enabling them to contact you using email, chat, messaging, social media, and more.
  • Remove disjointed third-party digital experiences, creating seamless experiences for customers and agents.
  • Add digital capabilities and quickly scale up and down as needed to meet customer demands.
  • Pay-as-you-use financial models keep budgets in check.


Contact center agents

Give agents an intuitive, consolidated desktop.

  • Equip your agents with a unified WebRTC desktop powered with native AI noise removal.
  • Intelligent desktop delivers relevant information from multiple sources, including CRM systems and third-party apps for all interactions;, less stress to scamper about for information.
  • Intuitive UI leads to more productive employees, reducing call handling time.
  • Serve multiple digital customer interactions simultaneously, improving contact KPIs.
  • 360-degree view gives agents insights into prior voice, digital cloud, and on-premises interactions.
  • Widget architecture allows you to design the best layout for your agents and their experience.

Ready to unlock innovations for your Avaya Call Center Elite?

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